WKU Child Protection Training 2016
Competitions And Events, Courses, Courses, Scoreboard, WKU Activities, WKU instructor news September 19, 2016 No Comments on WKU Child Protection Training 2016 0Notification for all club instructors, club child protection officers/helpers,and coaches.
After much hard work , we have secured a qualified expert do Child Protection Training training with us. The WKU will be certificating this course on attendance so you will have a record and also us as an association.
Date to be confirmed – PLEASE WATCH THIS SPACE and check your emails for updates. We hope to have this course running in the next couple of months.
The hour-long course will be held at the Bristol Karate Club Dojo in Totterdown, Bristol. Peter Hopkins will be organising a similar course/training for clubs within the Colchester area, date and venue will be passed onto everyone when this has been organised. This will hopefully help with travelling, obviously if any WKU member wants to go to either this is not a problem. I will be contacting Jersey concerning coverage for them.
The only things that may be worth bringing with you on the day is a pen and paper to jot done any relevant points.
If anyone needs to ask any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me, Max or Peter.
Rob Smith, WKU – Lead CPO
mob: 07563 388893
email: robertjohnsmith@outlook.com
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