WKU Saxmundham Training Day Course 201

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Carlton Park Camping & Caravan Site
11 Main Rd, Carlton, Saxmundham, IP17 2NL

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WKU Saxmundham Training Day* Course 2018
Saturday May 26th May

• Please click here to download the course booking form


Please click here to download your copy of the parental consent form.

*NOTE: As last year, this will only be a one day course, people can still stay for the weekend if they want to. More information will follow, so check the WUK website for updates but any queries please call Les Birkin 01206 322062.

11 Main Rd, Carlton, Saxmundham IP17 2NL
North Entrance, Saxmundham, Suffolk IP 17 1AT.

Carlton Park Camping & Caravan Site
IP17 1AT

WKU Western Karate Union is a non profit making association promoting the study and practice of Karate, organising tournaments, competitions, courses and events. Members work at local, national and international levels. WKU regulates safe and structured training and examination and certification of karateka.

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