WKU Pre Dan Grading Courses

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5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Bristol Karate Club Dojo
Holy Nativity Church Hall, School Road, Totterdown, Bristol, BS4 3DJ

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It’s that time of year again, 21st October we start the pre Dan grading courses at the Bristol Dojo, time as always 17.00 – 18.00.

Can we please have a few more senior grades come along and encourage. We also welcome any members who may not be grading this time but are on the ladder
and looking for extra training.

There is no charge for this course. It is a really great opportunity for extra training and to see what will be required for a Dan grading.

WKU Western Karate Union is a non profit making association promoting the study and practice of Karate, organising tournaments, competitions, courses and events. Members work at local, national and international levels. WKU regulates safe and structured training and examination and certification of karateka.

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